Wayang Kulit (shadow puppet) as we know, is the product of the existence of cultural wisdom has been proven. Since the time of the MPU (ancient kingdom era) to the present, the puppet never timeless. As a spectacle, puppet shows of any kind as well as an element of guidance. Admittedly or not, a lot of value on life and living guidance contained in the art of puppet show.
Although there are some people who say that there are no puppets in forgiveness and reconciliation, but the puppet or the puppet show is a true proclamation of moral education in life.
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As the name implies, WAYANG the daily lives of people believed to be wewayangan Javanese shadow or the meaning or connotation is the shadow or symbol of life. Therefore if someone does not understand the real meaning, then that person will be stuck on a narrow assessment and justify that in the puppet no forgiveness and reconciliation.
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Without wishing to naif assumptions or one's understanding of "love" is actually, if studied in detail the universe puppet (wayang world) is full of symbols of life, in which there are values of advice, romance, love, beauty / truth, and evil / crime. Wayang (shadow puppet), in the era of globalization is definitely still needed becoming. Because, according to his existence that never cracked and swallowed up the time, puppets, with the content of moral values is expected to be used as a means to stem the negative effects that carry over to the influence of globalization go hand in hand.
Wayang culture is very positive influence to assist the era of globalization that are not everything can be a positive influence. Hopefully there who care about the preservation of indigenous arts and culture of Indonesia Wayang this. There are two worlds, the real living world and the abstract world. Wayang Kulit (puppets) as the world's "abstraction" is one of the world cultural heritage which could be useful to convey moral messages for the development of human culture. (Suryo Art)
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